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Alex Christopher Mercado - Online Memorial Website

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Alex Mercado
Född i United States
4 years
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
I trust that we'll see you in the land of life.We'll be strong waiting,till our lives are raised together again.
to: Alex Mercado
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PatrickJay*Grand Mama
Rest in peace,n though we grieve reaching 4 your hand in vain,our faith is such that we believe that all of us shall meet again.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
What is the purpose of God in giving us troubles?He has in mind to draw us to Him.2Cor:12-7
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*ALEX*.We wait with courage & we are stouthearted until we are reunited once again.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
God sends children to enlarge our hearts,to make us unselfish n to bring around our tender loving hearts.*Mary Howitt*
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
What discoveries will u make?What new accomplishment awaits?What will spark ur laughter?Each day is a new adventure for u.
PatrickJay*Grand Mama
For all u were,n all u'll be,for everything u mean to me;though I don't understand I know u are in the Father's hand.
PatrickJay*Grand Mama
*ALEX*May u delight in the beauty n wonder of heaven.May u smile often n laugh freely.May u know that u r treasured .
Alex Mommy Mindy
I love you baby boy.. I miss you so much.. Forever in my heart
PatrickJay*Grand Mama
Be with us,Lord,in our time of need"I am with you always,until the end of the world".(*ALEX*/Mindy)
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