
Alex Christopher Mercado - 网上纪念网站

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Alex Mercado
生于 United States
4 years
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
I trust that we'll see you in the land of life.We'll be strong waiting,till our lives are raised together again.
to: Alex Mercado
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A million times we missed you, A million times we cried, If love alone could of saved you , You never would have died.... unknown

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Alex Mercado who was born in United States on July 19, 2005 and passed away on October 30, 2009. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Alex Christopher Mercado came into this world weighing 8 lbs. 9 ozs. and 21 inches long on July 19,2005.. Born to Luis and Mindy Mercado and 2 brothers James and Jason, 4 sisters Ashley, Sara, Emily and Alea whom shortly after Alexs' passing was born... 3 aunts Susie, Laura, And Cindy  1 Uncle Joey ...

He will forever be remembered in his short life... He was a happy typical 4 year old who loved to play in the dirt with his cars... He loved to swim and was not afraid of jumping from the diving board.. He loved his preschool friends, teachers and class... He loved his daddy and his daddy's friends...

He loves music loved to dance and watch cartoons.. Diego was one of his favorite He was going to be Spiderman the next day after his death for Halloween. He was so excited about that.. He loved to ride bikes so much that It was a becoming a tradition for his birthday to buy him a new bike so he got to enjoy 4 new bikes and as i look at them I see the progress and growth he was able to overcome.. I miss him every day and not a day goes by that we don't think of him and wish things different.. He will always know of our love and joy for him always...

10-30-2009 I got him dressed for preschool class and walked him down the road.. I left him with a hug and a bye... I picked him up at noon and was in a hurry because I had to be at work at that the same time drove him on the side of the road with a kiss and a bye and watched him run inside and close the door Where Daddy was waiting for him..

At 3:30 pm I recieved a call from Daddy telling me ALEX IS MISSING!!!! I told him to look that he was around there Hung up but a few minutes later I felt a heavy burden called back and nothing of where he was clocked out and immediately got to the house looked everywhere for  him but there was no sign... A search took place from the day into the night and then the next morning nothing still..

10-31-2009 1:30 pm My baby was found only a few feet away from my house. His life less body lied stored in a dryer almost 24 hours later... I lost myself I was numb and not myself anymore I was dead inside a live body... I died that day... Forensic Investigation cleaned up the crime scene and did their job as we waited for my baby's body to be removed from that house at around 2 am on 11-1-2009... Later word came that a 14 year old boy was being held in custody for his murder where He confessed... to telling Alex to come in that he had something to show him then sexually assaulted him then when Alex cried and told him he was going to tell his mommy he then filled his bathtub  up and took my baby boy and drowned him until his little body went limb, checked his pulse, nothing and then threw his little body over his shoulder and into the dryer where he laid until being seen by his Daddy...

We will never forget his tragic life of how he spent his last few minutes... But we will also forever keep his year memories alive as we now have a ANGEL with us always... Rest In peace Our Precious Baby Boy ALEX CHRISTOPHER MERCADO.......
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